Calendar and Schedules

Pack 887 Calendar

Monthly Den Responsibilities


Each month, a den will be responsible for the following duties:


Den families should arrive 10 minutes early and stay after the meeting to restore the room or location to its original state. Remember to leave no trace!


A Scout from the den will be chosen to read and lead the flag ceremony. In the case of the Lion and/or Tiger den, the den chief or an older Scout can lead the ceremony of necessary. The other Scouts will be flag bearers or color guards. Flag ceremonies should be practiced as part of the den meeting. In the case of virtual pack meetings, please record the flag ceremony at your den meeting to present at the pack meeting.


The den will prepare a to lead a prayer at the pack meeting. Various Cub Scout prayers can be found online. Leading a prayer at pack meetings is a simple way to keep Scouts mindful of being reverent and demonstrate duty to God.


The den should prepare a skit to present at the pack meeting. Skits should be prepared ahead of time and practiced at your den meeting prior to the pack meeting. Bonus points if your skit follows the theme of the month! Props, costumes, and creativity are encouraged. In the case of virtual pack meetings, please record the skit at your den meeting to present at the pack meeting.


Dens will be responsible for assisting with the pack’s monthly event as needed. Duties may include finding out the cost, finalizing the date, communicating with the pack, handling the replies, gathering supplies, and collecting the fees. If needed to coordinate, the den will be provided with a contact and Google signup link. All emails should be approved by Cubmaster, Committee Chair, and/or Treasurer before sending out to the pack.